
African Journal of Agricultural Research

13 September 2023

By: pchavigny

African Journal of Agricultural Research

Treatment and post-treatment effects of neem leaves extracts on Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)

13 September 2023

By: pabad


ISA breakthroughs for the years 2011 and 2012 can be find by clicking on the corresponding items marked in green under "Breakthroughs".
Labex SIGNALIFE 2016 PhD program

13 September 2023

By: pchavigny

25 PhD Positions in Cell Signaling

The International SIGNALIFE PhD program of the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis is currently accepting applications for 25 targeted 3-year PhD positions, which will start in September 2016.
Séminiare scientifique ISA

04 December 2014

Inra PACA - Room A010

Physical approaches for plant and fungi biomechanics

IPO team invites Xavier Noblin - Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics (Nice) - which will present a selection of works on "Physical Approaches for plant and fungi biomechanics".
Labex SIGNALIFE: Programme de PhD International

06 January 2015


Labex SIGNALIFE International PhD Program

The 2015 international SIGNALIFE PhD Program has been launched. The Labex SIGNALIFE is currently seeking applications from outstanding students in the Life Sciences for a total of 20 highly competitive, fully funded PhD positions in the area of Cell Signaling. This is the second wave of the recruitment for this PhD program, a 3-year PhD starting September 2015.
Séminaire scientifique

31 December 2018

Sophia Antipolis - INRAE PACA - A010 - Visioconférence

Proteo-Trancriptomic Analyses Reveal a Large Expansion of Metalloprotease-Like Proteins in Atypical Venom Vesicles of the Wasp Meteorus pulchricornis (Braconidae).

Dans le cadre de l'animation scientifique ISA, nous aurons le plaisir d'avoir un séminaire de Jean-Luc Gatti (équipe ESIM).
Labex Signalife

13 November 2014

C3M - Nice

Labex SIGNALIFE Seminar series

Marino ZERIAL will give a seminar on: « Multi-scale analysis of cell and tissue organization »
Séminaire scientifique ISA

19 March 2015

Inra PACA - Sophia Antipolis - Room A010

Biologie, écologie et lutte contre le nématode Xiphinema index, vecteur du GFLV sur vigne

As part of the scientific activities of the Institut Sophia Agrobiotech, Daniel Esmenjaud - team IPN - present its work on: "Advances in biology, ecology and control of Xiphinema index, the nematode vector of GFLV "

24 November 2023

Sophia Antipolis - INRAE PACA - A010

Adaptation of Aphis gossypii, melon aphid, to cucurbits and the melon NLR Vat gene

As part of the ISA scientific program, we'll be listening to a presentation by Pierre Sadon (IPN team), on Friday November 24, 2023 at 11 a.m. in room A010
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