Projects & Contracts

Projects & Contracts

Projects funded by French national agencies:

  • Coordination of WP of ANR Triptic. Trichogramma for plant protection: Pangenomics, Traits, and establishment Capacities. 2014-2017.
  • Coordination of WP of RTRA “BIOFIS: Bioagresseurs et espèces invasives : de l’individu aux populations et aux espèces (95K€). 2011-2015
  • Coordination of AO Inra-Département SPE: Creation d’une revue indépendante. 2015-2017. Financement : 7 500 €

Projects funded by European agencies: 

  • Coordination of FP7 IAPP COLBICS: “Intersectoral collaborations to boost innovation dynamics in biological control of agricultural pests” (2 667 K€). 2013-2016.
  • Coordination of FP7 IRSES BIOMODICS: “Biological Control as a model system to investigate the factors affecting the establishment and dynamics of introduced populations” (180 K€). 2014-2017.

Modification date: 04 October 2023 | Publication date: 04 January 2012 | By: pchavigny