

Liste des publications

Biochimie analytique

  • Martina Zapletalová, Corinne Rancurel, Benoit Industri, Marc Bardin, Kevin Le Brigand, Philippe Nicot, Virginie Magnone,
  • #, Corinne Rancurel # ,,, Marie Gislard, Anais Loisier, Claire Kuchly,, Etienne GJ Danchin, Cyril Van Ghelder. [ # equal contribution ]. (2023). Genome sequence and annotation of Periconia digitata, a promising biocontrol agent of phytopathogenic oomycetes. Preprint: bioRxiv. p. 2023.03.17.533154. doi:10.1101/2023.03.17.533154
  • Castella C, Mirtziou I,, Boscari A, Montrichard F, Papadopoulou K, Rouhier N, Puppo A, Brouquisse R. Post-translational modifications of Medicago truncatula glutathione peroxidase 1 induced by nitric oxide. Nitric Oxide. 2017 Aug 1;68:125-136. doi: 10.1016/j.niox.2017.02.004
  • Rodiuc N, Barlet X, Hok S, Perfus-Barbeoch L, Allasia V, Engler G,, Marteu N, de Almeida-Engler J, Panabières F, Abad P, Kemmerling B, Marco Y, Favery B, Keller H. Evolutionarily distant pathogens require the Arabidopsis phytosulfokine signalling pathway to establish disease. Plant Cell Environ. 2016 Jul;39(7):1396-407. doi: 0.1111/pce.12627. 
  • Han P, Desneux N, Michel T, Le Bot J,, Wajnberg E, Amiens-Desneux E, Lavoir AV. Does Plant Cultivar Difference Modify the Bottom-Up Effects of Resource Limitation on Plant-Insect Herbivore Interactions? J Chem Ecol. 2016 Dec;42(12):1293-1303. 
  • Han P, Wang ZJ, Lavoir AV, Michel T,, Zheng WY, Niu CY, Desneux N. Increased water salinity applied to tomato plants accelerates the development of the leaf miner Tuta absoluta through bottom-up effects. Sci Rep. 2016 Sep 13;6:32403. doi: 10.1038/srep32403.
  • Larousse M, Govetto B,, Etienne C, Industri B, Theodorakopoulos N, Deleury E, Ponchet M, Panabières F, Galiana E. Characterization of PPMUCL1/2/3, three members of a new oomycete-specific mucin-like protein family residing in Phytophthora parasitica biofilm. Protist. 2014 May;165(3):275-92. doi: 10.1016/j.protis.2014.03.003. 
Avant 2014
  • Baron OL, van West P, Industri B,, Dubreuil G, Gourbal B, Reichhart JM, Coustau C. Parental transfer of the antimicrobial protein LBP/BPI protects Biomphalaria glabrata eggs against oomycete infections. PLoS Pathog. 2013;9(12):e1003792. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003792. 
  • Bidet M, Tomico A, Martin P, Guizouarn H, Mollat P, Mus-Veteau I. The Hedgehog receptor patched functions in multidrug transport and chemotherapy resistance. Mol Cancer Res. 2012 Nov;10(11):1496-508. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-11-0578. 
  • Bidet M, Joubert O, Lacombe B, Ciantar M, Nehmé R, Mollat P, Brétillon L, Faure H, Bittman R, Ruat M, Mus-Veteau I. The hedgehog receptor patched is involved in cholesterol transport. PLoS One. 2011;6(9):e23834. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0023834. 
  • Hovers J, Potschies M, Polidori A, Pucci B, Raynal S, Bonneté F, Serrano-Vega MJ, Tate CG, Picot D, Pierre Y, Popot JL, Nehmé R, Bidet M, Mus-Veteau I, Busskamp H, Jung KH, Marx A, Timmins PA, Welte W. A class of mild surfactants that keep integral membrane proteins water-soluble for functional studies and crystallization. Mol Membr Biol. 2011 Apr;28(3):171-81. doi: 10.3109/09687688.2011.552440. 
  • Nehmé R, Joubert O, Bidet M, Lacombe B, Polidori A, Pucci B, Mus-Veteau I. Stability study of the human G-protein coupled receptor, Smoothened. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2010 Jun;1798(6):1100-10. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2010.02.015. 
  • Joubert O, Nehmé R, Fleury D, De Rivoyre M, Bidet M, Polidori A, Ruat M, Pucci B, Mollat P, Mus-Veteau I. Functional studies of membrane-bound and purified human Hedgehog receptor Patched expressed in yeast. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2009 Sep;1788(9):1813-21. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2009.05.009. 
Communications par affiche
  • Characterization of proteins involved in plant defense responses by an LC-MS/MS approach for phytohormone quantification. V. Allasia,, H. Keller,(Septembre 2019, SMAP, Strasbourg)
  • Regulation of the Medicago truncatula glutathione peroxidase 1 (MtGPX1) activity by NO. Analysis of post-translational modifications by biotin-switch and mass spectrometry approaches. Claude Castella, Ioanna Mirtziou, , Aurelie Fournol, Alexandre Boscari, Françoise Montrichard, Alain Puppo,Kalliopi Papadopoulou and Renaud Brouquisse (September 2016, 6th Plant NO International Meeting, Granada. Spain)
  • Intérêt des approches protéomique et métabolomique pour la caractérisation de la résistance induite chez la tomate., V. Pleskova, Z. Storkova, B. Industri,(Janvier 2014, JJC, Aussois)
  • Deciphering tomato defense after induction of resistance towards a biotrophic, an hemibiotrophic and a necrotrophic pathogen, Hejer Daoulatli, Veronika Pleskova, Zuzana Storkova, Benoit Industri, Catherine Mura, Eric Galiana,, Emeline Deleury, Philippe Nicot, Marc Bardin,(Avril 2013, IOBC, Avignon)
Communications orales
  • Identification of proteins involved in plant defenses mechanisms by an LC-MS/MS approach of phytohormones quantification. V. Allasia,, , H. Keller. (juin 2019, 9ème journée ProtéoPACA, Marseille)
  • LC-MS/MS identification and quantification of phytohormones involved in plant defense mechanisms. V. Allasia,, H. Keller,, . (juin 2019, 2ème journée MétaSUD, Toulon)
  • La spectrométrie de masse. (Ecole Chercheurs Massprot’INRA, 2017, Cannes)
  • FR 1000193070: Pages G., Grépin R., Anti-CXCL1, CXCL7 and CXCL8 antibodies and their applications (2013)




> Poullet, Marine, Hemanth Gopal, Corinne Rancurel, Marine Sallaberry, Celine Lopez-Roques, Joanna Lledo, Sebastian Kiewnick, et Etienne Danchin. 2024. « Unveiling the Genome Assembly of the Polyploid and Quarantine Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne Enterolobii ». [[ preprint ]]. doi: 10.1101/2024.03.01.582926

> Syska, Camille, Aurélie Kiers, Corinne Rancurel, Marc Bailly-Bechet, Justine Lipuma, Geneviève Alloing, Isabelle Garcia, et Laurence Dupont. 2024. « VapC10 Toxin of the Legume Symbiont Sinorhizobium Meliloti Targets tRNASer and Controls Intracellular Lifestyle ». The ISME Journal 18(1):wrae015. doi: 10.1093/ismejo/wrae015

> Zotta Mota, Ana-Paula, Georgios D. Koutsovoulos, Laetitia Perfus-Barbeoch, Evelin Despot-Slade, Karine Labadie, Jean-Marc Aury, Karine Robbe-Sermesant, Marc Bailly-Bechet, Caroline Belser, Arthur Péré, Corinne Rancurel, Djampa K. Kozlowski, Rahim Hassanaly-Goulamhoussen, Martine Da Rocha, Benjamin Noël, Nevenka Mestrovic-Radan, Patrick Wincker, et Etienne Gj Danchin. 2024. «  Unzipped Assemblies of Polyploid Root-Knot Nematode Genomes Reveal New Kinds of Unilateral Composite Telomeric Repeats ». Nature Communications 15(1):773. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-44914-y


> Bovio, Elena #, Corinne Rancurel #, Aurélie Seassau, Marc Magliano, Marie Gislard, Anaïs Loisier, Claire Kuchly, Michel Ponchet, Etienne G. J. Danchin, et Cyril Van Ghelder. 2023. « Genome Sequence and Annotation of Periconia Digitata a Hopeful Biocontrol Agent of Phytopathogenic Oomycetes ». Scientific Data 10(1):583. doi: 10.1038/s41597-023-02440-4. [ equal contribution ]

> Noureddine, Yara #, Martine Da Rocha #, Jing An, Clémence Médina, Joffrey Mejias, Karine Mulet, Michaël Quentin, Pierre Abad, Mohamed Zouine, Bruno Favery, et Stéphanie Jaubert-Possamai. 2023. « AUXIN RESPONSIVE FACTOR8 Regulates Development of the Feeding Site Induced by Root-Knot Nematodes in Tomato » édité par R. Hancock. Journal of Experimental Botany 74(18):5752‑66. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erad208. [ #  equal contribution ]

> Zapletalová, Martina #, Corinne Rancurel #, Benoit Industri, Marc Bardin, Kevin Le Brigand, Philippe Nicot, Virginie Magnone, Aurélie Seassau, Pascal Barbry, David Potěšil, Zbyněk Zdráhal, Michel Ponchet, et Jan Lochman. 2023. « BABA-Induced Pathogen Resistance: A Multi-Omics Analysis of the Tomato Response Reveals a Hyper-Receptive Status Involving Ethylene ». Horticulture Research 10(6):uhad068. doi: 10.1093/hr/uhad068. [ #  equal contribution ]


> Belliardo, Carole, Georgios D. Koutsovoulos, Corinne Rancurel, Mathilde Clément, Justine Lipuma, Marc Bailly-Bechet, et Etienne G. J. Danchin. 2022. « Improvement of Eukaryotic Protein Predictions from Soil Metagenomes ». Scientific Data 9(1):311. doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01420-4.

> Koutsovoulos, Georgios D., Solène Granjeon Noriot, Marc Bailly-Bechet, Etienne G. J. Danchin, et Corinne Rancurel. 2022. « AvP: A Software Package for Automatic Phylogenetic Detection of Candidate Horizontal Gene Transfers » édité par M. Ziemann. PLOS Computational Biology 18(11):e1010686. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010686.

> Noureddine, Yara, Joffrey Mejias, Martine Da Rocha, Sébastien Thomine, Michaël Quentin, Pierre Abad, Bruno Favery, et Stéphanie Jaubert‐Possamai. 2022. « Copper microRNAs Modulate the Formation of Giant Feeding Cells Induced by the Root Knot Nematode Meloidogyne Incognita in Arabidopsis Thaliana ». New Phytologist 236(1):283‑95. doi: 10.1111/nph.18362.

> Roumani, Marwa, Jacques Le Bot, Michel Boisbrun, Florent Magot, Arthur Péré, Christophe Robin, Frédérique Hilliou, et Romain Larbat. 2022. « Transcriptomics and Metabolomics Analyses Reveal High Induction of the Phenolamide Pathway in Tomato Plants Attacked by the Leafminer Tuta Absoluta ». Metabolites 12(6):484. doi: 10.3390/metabo12060484.


> Da Rocha, Martine #, Caroline Bournaud #, Julie Dazenière, Peter Thorpe, Marc Bailly-Bechet, Clément Pellegrin, Arthur Péré, Priscila Grynberg, Laetitia Perfus-Barbeoch, Sebastian Eves-van Den Akker, et Etienne G. J. Danchin. 2021. « Genome Expression Dynamics Reveal the Parasitism Regulatory Landscape of the Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne Incognita and a Promoter Motif Associated with Effector Genes ». Genes 12(5):771. doi: 10.3390/genes12050771. [ #  equal contribution ]

> Hassanaly-Goulamhoussen, Rahim, Ronaldo De Carvalho Augusto, Nathalie Marteu-Garello, Arthur Péré, Bruno Favery, Martine Da Rocha, Etienne G. J. Danchin, Pierre Abad, Christoph Grunau, et Laetitia Perfus-Barbeoch. 2021. « Chromatin Landscape Dynamics in the Early Development of the Plant Parasitic Nematode Meloidogyne incognita ». Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9:765690. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.765690.

> Kodera, Chie, Jérémy Just, Martine Da Rocha, Antoine Larrieu, Lucie Riglet, Jonathan Legrand, Frédérique Rozier, Thierry Gaude, et Isabelle Fobis-Loisy. 2021. « The Molecular Signatures of Compatible and Incompatible Pollination in Arabidopsis ». BMC Genomics 22(1):268. doi: 10.1186/s12864-021-07503-7.

> Kozlowski, Djampa K. L., Rahim Hassanaly‐Goulamhoussen, Martine Da Rocha, Georgios D. Koutsovoulos, Marc Bailly‐Bechet, et Etienne G. J. Danchin. 2021. « Movements of Transposable Elements Contribute to the Genomic Plasticity and Species Diversification in an Asexually Reproducing Nematode Pest ». Evolutionary Applications 14(7):1844‑66. doi: 10.1111/eva.13246.

> Mei, Xinyue, Ying Wang, Zuran Li, Marie Larousse, Arthur Pere, Martine Da Rocha, Fangdong Zhan, Yongmei He, Linlong Pu, Franck Panabières, et Yanqun Zu. 2021. « Root-Associated Microbiota Drive Phytoremediation Strategies to Lead of Sonchus Asper (L.) Hill as Revealed by Intercropping-Induced Modifications of the Rhizosphere Microbiome ». Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29(16):23026‑40. doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-17353-1.


> Bassani, Ilaria, Corinne Rancurel, Sophie Pagnotta, François Orange, Nicolas Pons, Kevin Lebrigand, Franck Panabières, Laurent Counillon, Xavier Noblin, et Eric Galiana. 2020. « Transcriptomic and Ultrastructural Signatures of K+-Induced Aggregation in Phytophthora Parasitica Zoospores ». Microorganisms 8(7):1012. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8071012.

> Grynberg, Priscila, Roberto Coiti Togawa, Leticia Dias De Freitas, Jose Dijair Antonino, Corinne Rancurel, Marcos Mota Do Carmo Costa, Maria Fatima Grossi-de-Sa, Robert N. G. Miller, Ana Cristina Miranda Brasileiro, Patricia Messenberg Guimaraes, et Etienne G. J. Danchin. 2020. « Comparative Genomics Reveals Novel Target Genes towards Specific Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes ». Genes 11(11):1347. doi: 10.3390/genes11111347.

> Grynberg, Priscila, Roberto Coiti Togawa, Leticia Dias De Freitas, Jose Dijair Antonino, Corinne Rancurel, Marcos Mota Do Carmo Costa, Maria Fatima Grossi-de-Sa, Robert N. G. Miller, Ana Cristina Miranda Brasileiro, Patricia Messenberg Guimaraes, et Etienne G. J. Danchin. 2020. « Comparative Genomics Reveals Novel Target Genes towards Specific Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes ». Genes 11(11):1347. doi: 10.3390/genes11111347.

> Koutsovoulos, Georgios D., Marine Poullet, Abdelnaser Elashry, Djampa K. L. Kozlowski, Erika Sallet, Martine Da Rocha, Laetitia Perfus-Barbeoch, Cristina Martin-Jimenez, Juerg Ernst Frey, Christian H. Ahrens, Sebastian Kiewnick, et Etienne G. J. Danchin. 2020. « Genome Assembly and Annotation of Meloidogyne Enterolobii, an Emerging Parthenogenetic Root-Knot Nematode ». Scientific Data 7(1):324. doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-00666-0.

> Panabières, Franck, Corinne Rancurel, Martine Da Rocha, et Marie-Line Kuhn. 2020. « Characterization of Two Satellite DNA Families in the Genome of the Oomycete Plant Pathogen Phytophthora parasitica ». Frontiers in Genetics 11:557. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.00557.


> Castagnone‐Sereno, Philippe, Karine Mulet, Etienne G. J. Danchin, Georgios D. Koutsovoulos, Mégane Karaulic, Martine Da Rocha, Marc Bailly‐Bechet, Loris Pratx, Laetitia Perfus‐Barbeoch, et Pierre Abad. 2019. « Gene Copy Number Variations as Signatures of Adaptive Evolution in the Parthenogenetic, Plant‐parasitic Nematode Meloidogyne Incognita ». Molecular Ecology 28(10):2559‑72. doi: 10.1111/mec.15095.

> Marmonier, Aurélie, Laetitia Perfus-Barbeoch, Corinne Rancurel, Sylvaine Boissinot, Bruno Favery, Gérard Demangeat, et Véronique Brault. 2019. « In Vitro Acquisition of Specific Small Interfering RNAs Inhibits the Expression of Some Target Genes in the Plant Ectoparasite Xiphinema Index ». International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(13):3266. doi: 10.3390/ijms20133266.

> Rancurel, Corinne, Trang Van Tran, Céline Elie, et Frédérique Hilliou. 2019. « SATQPCR: Website for Statistical Analysis of Real-Time Quantitative PCR Data ». Molecular and Cellular Probes 46:101418. doi: 10.1016/j.mcp.2019.07.001.

> Schiffer, Philipp H., Etienne G. J. Danchin, Ann M. Burnell, Christopher J. Creevey, Simon Wong, Ilona Dix, Georgina O’Mahony, Bridget A. Culleton, Corinne Rancurel, Gary Stier, Elizabeth A. Martínez-Salazar, Aleksandra Marconi, Urmi Trivedi, Michael Kroiher, Michael A. S. Thorne, Einhard Schierenberg, Thomas Wiehe, et Mark Blaxter. 2019. « Signatures of the Evolution of Parthenogenesis and Cryptobiosis in the Genomes of Panagrolaimid Nematodes ». iScience 21:587‑602. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2019.10.039.


> Cottret, Ludovic, Martial Briand, Corinne Rancurel, et Sébastien Carrere. 2018. « Family-Companion: Analyse, Visualise, Browse, Query and Share Your Homology Clusters ». [[ preprint ]]. Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1101/266742.

> Medina, Clémence #, Martine Da Rocha #, Marc Magliano, Alizée Raptopoulo, Nathalie Marteu, Kevin Lebrigand, Pierre Abad, Bruno Favery, et Stéphanie Jaubert-Possamai. 2018. « Characterization of siRNAs Clusters in Arabidopsis Thaliana Galls Induced by the Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne Incognita ». BMC Genomics 19(1):943. doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-5296-3. [ #  equal contribution ]

> Pratx, Loris, Corinne Rancurel, Martine Da Rocha, Etienne G. J. Danchin, Philippe Castagnone-Sereno, Pierre Abad, et Laetitia Perfus-Barbeoch. 2018. « Genome-Wide Expert Annotation of the Epigenetic Machinery of the Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Meloidogyne Spp., with a Focus on the Asexually Reproducing Species ». BMC Genomics 19(1):321. doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-4686-x.


> Agnel, Sandra, Martine Da Rocha, et Alain Robichon. 2017. « Transcriptome Profiling of Neurosensory Perception Genes in Wing Tissue of Two Evolutionary Distant Insect Orders: Diptera (Drosophila Melanogaster) and Hemiptera (Acyrthosiphon Pisum) ». Journal of Molecular Evolution 85(5‑6):234‑45. doi: 10.1007/s00239-017-9814-8.

> Blanc-Mathieu, Romain, Laetitia Perfus-Barbeoch, Jean-Marc Aury, Martine Da Rocha, Jérôme Gouzy, Erika Sallet, Cristina Martin-Jimenez, Marc Bailly-Bechet, Philippe Castagnone-Sereno, Jean-François Flot, Djampa K. Kozlowski, Julie Cazareth, Arnaud Couloux, Corinne Da Silva, Julie Guy, Yu-Jin Kim-Jo, Corinne Rancurel, Thomas Schiex, Pierre Abad, Patrick Wincker, et Etienne G. J. Danchin. 2017. « Hybridization and Polyploidy Enable Genomic Plasticity without Sex in the Most Devastating Plant-Parasitic Nematodes » édité par T. Gojobori. PLOS Genetics 13(6):e1006777. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006777.

> Danchin, Etienne, Laetitia Perfus-Barbeoch, Corinne Rancurel, Peter Thorpe, Martine Da Rocha, Simon Bajew, Roy Neilson, Elena Sokolova (Guzeeva), Corinne Da Silva, Julie Guy, Karine Labadie, Daniel Esmenjaud, Johannes Helder, John Jones, et Sebastian Den Akker. 2017. « The Transcriptomes of Xiphinema Index and Longidorus Elongatus Suggest Independent Acquisition of Some Plant Parasitism Genes by Horizontal Gene Transfer in Early-Branching Nematodes ». Genes 8(10):287. doi: 10.3390/genes8100287.

> Larousse, Marie, Corinne Rancurel, Camille Syska, Ferran Palero, Catherine Etienne, Benoît Industri, Xavier Nesme, Marc Bardin, et Eric Galiana. 2017. « Tomato Root Microbiota and Phytophthora Parasitica-Associated Disease ». Microbiome 5(1):56. doi: 10.1186/s40168-017-0273-7.

> Medina, Clémence, Martine Da Rocha, Marc Magliano, Alizée Ratpopoulo, Benoît Revel, Nathalie Marteu, Virginie Magnone, Kevin Lebrigand, Javier Cabrera, Marta Barcala, Ana Cláudia Silva, Anthony Millar, Carolina Escobar, Pierre Abad, Bruno Favery, et Stéphanie Jaubert‐Possamai. 2017. « Characterization of microRNAs from Arabidopsis Galls Highlights a Role for miR159 in the Plant Response to the Root‐knot Nematode Meloidogyne Incognita ». New Phytologist 216(3):882‑96. doi: 10.1111/nph.14717.

> Nguyen, Chinh‐Nghia, Laetitia Perfus‐Barbeoch, Michaël Quentin, Jianlong Zhao, Marc Magliano, Nathalie Marteu, Martine Da Rocha, Nicolas Nottet, Pierre Abad, et Bruno Favery. 2017. « A Root‐knot Nematode Small Glycine and Cysteine‐rich Secreted Effector, MiSGCR1, Is Involved in Plant Parasitism ». New Phytologist 217(2):687‑99. doi: 10.1111/nph.14837.

> Rancurel, Corinne, Ludovic Legrand, et Etienne Danchin. 2017. « Alienness: Rapid Detection of Candidate Horizontal Gene Transfers across the Tree of Life ». Genes 8(10):248. doi: 10.3390/genes8100248.


> Damiani, Isabelle, Alice Drain, Marjorie Guichard, Sandrine Balzergue, Alexandre Boscari, Jean-Christophe Boyer, Véronique Brunaud, Sylvain Cottaz, Corinne Rancurel, Martine Da Rocha, Cécile Fizames, Sébastien Fort, Isabelle Gaillard, Vincent Maillol, Etienne G. J. Danchin, Hatem Rouached, Eric Samain, Yan-Hua Su, Julien Thouin, Bruno Touraine, Alain Puppo, Jean-Marie Frachisse, Nicolas Pauly, et Hervé Sentenac. 2016. « Nod Factor Effects on Root Hair-Specific Transcriptome of Medicago truncatula: Focus on Plasma Membrane Transport Systems and Reactive Oxygen Species Networks ». Frontiers in Plant Science 7. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00794.

> Eves-van Den Akker, Sebastian, Dominik R. Laetsch, Peter Thorpe, Catherine J. Lilley, Etienne G. J. Danchin, Martine Da Rocha, Corinne Rancurel, Nancy E. Holroyd, James A. Cotton, Amir Szitenberg, Eric Grenier, Josselin Montarry, Benjamin Mimee, Marc-Olivier Duceppe, Ian Boyes, Jessica M. C. Marvin, Laura M. Jones, Hazijah B. Yusup, Joël Lafond-Lapalme, Magali Esquibet, Michael Sabeh, Michael Rott, Hein Overmars, Anna Finkers-Tomczak, Geert Smant, Georgios Koutsovoulos, Vivian Blok, Sophie Mantelin, Peter J. A. Cock, Wendy Phillips, Bernard Henrissat, Peter E. Urwin, Mark Blaxter, et John T. Jones. 2016. « The Genome of the Yellow Potato Cyst Nematode, Globodera Rostochiensis, Reveals Insights into the Basis of Parasitism and Virulence ». Genome Biology 17(1):124. doi: 10.1186/s13059-016-0985-1.

> Pratlong, Marine, Corinne Rancurel, Pierre Pontarotti, et Didier Aurelle. 2016. « Monophyly of Anthozoa (Cnidaria): Why Do Nuclear and Mitochondrial Phylogenies Disagree? » Zoologica Scripta 46(3):363‑71. doi: 10.1111/zsc.12208.


> Eves-van Den Akker, Sebastian, Catherine J. Lilley, Etienne G. J. Danchin, Corinne Rancurel, Peter J. A. Cock, Peter E. Urwin, et John T. Jones. 2014. « The Transcriptome of Nacobbus Aberrans Reveals Insights into the Evolution of Sedentary Endoparasitism in Plant-Parasitic Nematodes ». Genome Biology and Evolution 6(9):2181‑94. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evu171.

> Pasquier, Claude, Mathilde Clément, Aviv Dombrovsky, Stéphanie Penaud, Martine Da Rocha, Corinne Rancurel, Neil Ledger, Maria Capovilla, et Alain Robichon. 2014. « Environmentally Selected Aphid Variants in Clonality Context Display Differential Patterns of Methylation in the Genome » édité par A. Jeltsch. PLoS ONE 9(12):e115022. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115022.


> Danchin, Etienne G. J., Marie-Jeanne Arguel, Amandine Campan-Fournier, Laetitia Perfus-Barbeoch, Marc Magliano, Marie-Noëlle Rosso, Martine Da Rocha, Corinne Da Silva, Nicolas Nottet, Karine Labadie, Julie Guy, François Artiguenave, et Pierre Abad. 2013. « Identification of Novel Target Genes for Safer and More Specific Control of Root-Knot Nematodes from a Pan-Genome Mining » édité par E. Ghedin. PLoS Pathogens 9(10):e1003745. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003745.

> Flot, Jean-François, Boris Hespeels, Xiang Li, Benjamin Noel, Irina Arkhipova, Etienne G. J. Danchin, Andreas Hejnol, Bernard Henrissat, Romain Koszul, Jean-Marc Aury, Valérie Barbe, Roxane-Marie Barthélémy, Jens Bast, Georgii A. Bazykin, Olivier Chabrol, Arnaud Couloux, Martine Da Rocha, Corinne Da Silva, Eugene Gladyshev, Philippe Gouret, Oskar Hallatschek, Bette Hecox-Lea, Karine Labadie, Benjamin Lejeune, Oliver Piskurek, Julie Poulain, Fernando Rodriguez, Joseph F. Ryan, Olga A. Vakhrusheva, Eric Wajnberg, Bénédicte Wirth, Irina Yushenova, Manolis Kellis, Alexey S. Kondrashov, David B. Mark Welch, Pierre Pontarotti, Jean Weissenbach, Patrick Wincker, Olivier Jaillon, et Karine Van Doninck. 2013. « Genomic Evidence for Ameiotic Evolution in the Bdelloid Rotifer Adineta Vaga ». Nature 500(7463):453‑57. doi: 10.1038/nature12326.


> Jaouannet, Maëlle, Laetitia Perfus‐Barbeoch, Emeline Deleury, Marc Magliano, Gilbert Engler, Paulo Vieira, Etienne G. J. Danchin, Martine Da Rocha, Patrick Coquillard, Pierre Abad, et Marie‐Noëlle Rosso. 2012. « A Root‐knot Nematode‐secreted Protein Is Injected into Giant Cells and Targeted to the Nuclei ». New Phytologist 194(4):924‑31. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04164.x.

> Paganini, Julien, Amandine Campan-Fournier, Martine Da Rocha, Philippe Gouret, Pierre Pontarotti, Eric Wajnberg, Pierre Abad, et Etienne G. J. Danchin. 2012. « Contribution of Lateral Gene Transfers to the Genome Composition and Parasitic Ability of Root-Knot Nematodes » édité par C. E. Winter. PLoS ONE 7(11):e50875. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0050875.

Communications par affiche

> Rancurel et al. (2014) Conference: ECCB 2014 : The 13th European Conference on Computational Biology. Accepted Poster with Abstract F: Evolution and population genomics; F03: Alienness: Rapid detection of horizontal gene transfers in metazoan genomes

> Da Rocha et al. (2012) Does a genome structure in divergent copies allow animal to evolve without sexual. JOBIM 2012, poster 25.

Imagerie cellulaire

  • Yang Li, El Msehli Sarra, Benyamina Sofiane, Lambert Annie, Hopkins Julie, Cazareth Julie,, Hérouart Didier, Achi-Smiti Samira, Boncompagni Eric, Frendo Pierre ; Glutathione Deficiency in Sinorhizobium meliloti Does Not Impair Bacteroid Differentiation But Induces Early Senescence in the Interaction With Medicago truncatula  Front. Plant Sci., 03 March 2020 |
  • Barbosa, E.A., Bonfim Junior, M.F., Bloch Jr., C., Rocha, T.L., Engler, G., and. (2018). Imaging mass spectrometry of endogenous polypeptides and secondary metabolites from galls induced by root-knot nematodes in tomato roots. MPMI. DOI: 10.1094/MPMI-02-18-0049-R
  • Junior, A. de S., Dijair, J., Pierre, O., Coelho, R.R., Grossi-de-Sa, M.F.,., and. (2017). Application of Nuclear Volume Measurements to Comprehend the Cell Cycle in Root-Knot Nematode-Induced Giant Cells. Front. Plant Sci. 8. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00961
  • Ramos Coelho, R., Vieira, P., Antonino de Souza Júnior, J.D., Martin-Jimenez, C., De Veylder, L., Cazareth, J.,., Grossi-de-Sa, M.F., and. (2017). Exploiting cell cycle inhibitor genes of the KRP family to control root-knot nematode induced feeding sites in plants. Plant, Cell & Environment. Doi: 10.1111/pce.12912
  • Ribeiro CW, Baldacci-Cresp F,, Larousse M, Benyamina S, Lambert A, Hopkins J, Castella C, Cazareth J, Alloing G, Boncompagni E, Couturier J, Mergaert P, Gamas P, Rouhier N, Montrichard F, Frendo P. Regulation of Differentiation of Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria by Microsymbiont Targeting of Plant Thioredoxin s1 Curr Biol. 2017 Jan 23;27(2):250-256. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.11.013. Epub 2016 Dec 22. PMID: 2801761
  • Díaz-Manzano, F.E., Barcala, M.,., Fenoll, C., de Almeida-Engler, J., and Escobar, C. (2016). A Reliable Protocol for In situ microRNAs Detection in Feeding Sites Induced by Root-Knot Nematodes. Front Plant Sci 7, 966. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00966
  • Kyndt, T., Goverse, A., Haegeman, A., Warmerdam, S., Wanjau, C., Jahani, M.,., Engler, J. de A., and Gheysen, G. (2016). Redirection of auxin flow in Arabidopsis thaliana roots after infection by root-knot nematodes. J. Exp. Bot. erw230. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erw230
  • Albuquerque ÉV, Bezerra CA, Romero JV, Valencia JW, Valencia-Jiménez A, Pimenta LM, Barbosa AE, Silva MC, Meneguim AM, Sá ME,, Fernandez D, Grossi-de-Sá MF (2015) Seed-Specific Stable Expression of the α-AI1 Inhibitor in Coffee Grains and the In Vivo Implications for the Development of the Coffee Berry Borer. Trop Plant Biol. 8:98-107
  • Cabrera, J., Díaz-Manzano, F.E., Barcala, M., Arganda-Carreras, I., de Almeida-Engler, J.,., Fenoll, C., and Escobar, C. (2015) Phenotyping nematode feeding sites: three-dimensional reconstruction and volumetric measurements of giant cells induced by root-knot nematodes in Arabidopsis. New Phytol. New Phytol. 206(2):868-80
  • Engler, J. de A., Vieira, P., Rodiuc, N., Sa, M.F.G. de, and. (2015). The plant cell cycle machinery: usurped and modulated by plant-parasitic nematodes. Advances in Botanical Research 73, 91–118
  • Lourenço-Tessutti IT, Souza Junior JD, Martins-de-Sa D, Viana AA, Carneiro RM, Togawa RC,, Batista JA, Silva MC, Fragoso RR, Grossi-de-Sa MF (2015) Knock-down of heat-shock protein 90 and isocitrate lyase gene expression reduced root-knot nematode reproduction. Phytopathology. 105(5):628-37
  • Naessens E, Dubreuil G, Giordanengo P, Baron OL, Minet-Kebdani N, Keller H, Coustau C (2015) A Secreted MIF Cytokine Enables Aphid Feeding and Represses Plant Immune Responses. Curr Biol. 25(14):1898-903
  • Paganelli L, Caillaud MC, Quentin M, Damiani I, Govetto B, Lecomte P, Karpov PA, Abad P, Chabouté ME,  Favery B (2015) Three BUB1 and BUBR1/MAD3-related spindle assembly checkpoint proteins are required for accurate mitosis in Arabidopsis.  New Phytol. 205(1):202-15
  • Rodiuc, N., Barlet, X., Hok, S., Perfus-Barbeoch, L., Allasia, V.,., Séassau, A., Marteu, N., de Almeida-Engler, J., Panabières, F., et al. (2015). Evolutionarily distant pathogens require the Arabidopsis phytosulfokine signalling pathway to establish disease. Plant Cell Environ. DOI: 10.1111/pce.12627
  • Attard A, Evangelisti E, Kebdani-Minet N, Panabières F, Deleury E, Maggio C, Ponchet M, Gourgues M (2014) Transcriptome dynamics of Arabidopsis thaliana root penetration by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora parasitica. BMC Genomics. 15:538
  • Bernstein, A., Mangeon, A., Almeida-Engler, J.,., Montagu, M.V., Sachetto-Martins, G., and de Oliveira, D.E. (2014) Functional analysis of an auxin-inducible DNA-binding protein gene. Plant Signal Behav. 10(1):e977706
  • Bezerra, C.A., Macedo, L.L.P., Amorim, T.M.L., Santos, V.O., Fragoso, R.R., Lucena, W.A., Meneguim, A.M., Valencia-Jimenez, A.,., Silva, M.C.M., et al. (2014). Molecular cloning and characterization of an α-amylase cDNA highly expressed in major feeding stages of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei. Gene 553, 7–16. DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2014.09.050
  • Hopkins J,, Kazmierczak T, Gruber V, Frugier F, Clement M, Frendo P, Herouart D, Boncompagni E (2014). MtZR1, a PRAF protein, is involved in the development of roots and symbiotic root nodules in Medicago truncatula. Plant Cell Environ. 37(3):658-69
  • Jezierska, A, Chaux, C, Pesquet, J-C, Talbot, H and(2014)  An EM Approach for Time-Variant Poisson-Gaussian Model Parameter Estimation. IEEE Transactions on signal processing. 62(1): 17-30
  • Larousse M, Govetto B, Seassau A, Etienne C, Industri B, Theodorakopoulos N, Deleury E, Ponchet M, Panabieres F, Galiana E (2014) Characterization of PPMUCL1/2/3, three members of a new oomycete-specific mucin-like protein family residing in Phytophthora parasitica biofilm. Protist 165(3):275-92
  • Lipuma J, Cinege G, Bodogai M, Oláh B, Kiers A, Endre G, Dupont L, Dusha I (2014)  A vapBC-type toxin-antitoxin module of Sinorhizobium meliloti influences symbiotic efficiency and nodule senescence of Medicago sativa. Environ. Microbiol. 16(12):3714-29
  • , Hopkins J, Combier M, Baldacci F,Brouquisse R, Hérouart D, Boncompagni E (2014) Involvement of papain and legumain proteinase in the senescence process of Medicago truncatula nodules. New Phytol. 202(3): 849-63
  • Ribeiro CW, Alloing G, Mandon K, Frendo P (2014) Redox regulation of differentiation in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1850(8):1469-78
  • Vieira P, De Clercq A, Stals H, Van Leene J, Van De Slijke E, Van Isterdael G, Eeckhout D, Persiau G, Van Damme D, Verkest A, Antonino de Souza JD, Júnior, Glab N, Abad P,Inzé D, De Veylder L, De Jaeger G, Engler JD. (2014) The Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor KRP6 Induces Mitosis and Impairs Cytokinesis in Giant Cells Induced by Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26(6):2633-2647
  • Andrio E, Marino D, Marmeys A, de Segonzac MD, Damiani I, Genre A, Huguet S, Frendo P, Puppo A, Pauly N. (2013) Hydrogen peroxide-regulated genes in the Medicago truncatula–Sinorhizobium meliloti symbiosis. New Phytol. 198:179-89
  • Antonino de Souza Júnior JD, Ramos Coelho R, Tristan Lourenço I, da Rocha Fragoso R, Barbosa Viana AA, Lima Pepino de Macedo L, Mattar da Silva MC, Gomes Carneiro RM,, Grossi-de-Sa MF. (2013) Knocking-down Meloidogyne incognitaproteases by plant-delivered dsRNA has negative pleiotropic effect on nematode vigor . PLoS One. 8(12): e85364
  • Baron OL, van West P, Industri B, Ponchet M, Dubreuil G, Gourbal B, Reichhart JM, Coustau C. (2013) Parental Transfer of the Antimicrobial Protein LBP/BPI Protects Biomphalaria glabrata Eggs against Oomycete Infections. PLoS Pathog. 9(12):e1003792
  • Benyamina SM, Baldacci-Cresp F, Couturier J, Chibani K, Hopkins J, Bekki A, de Lajudie P, Rouhier N, Jacquot JP, Alloing G, Puppo A, Frendo P. (2013) Two Sinorhizobium meliloti glutaredoxins regulate iron metabolism and symbiotic bacteroid differentiation. Environ Microbiol. 15(3):795-810
  • Evangelisti E, Govetto B, Minet-Kebdani N, Kuhn ML, Attard A, Ponchet M, Panabières F, Gourgues M. (2013) The Phytophthora parasitica RXLR effector penetration-specific effector 1 favours Arabidopsis thaliana infection by interfering with auxin physiology. New Phytol. 199(2):476-89
  • Firmino AA, Fonseca FC, de Macedo LL, Coelho RR, Antonino de Souza JD Jr, Togawa RC, Silva-Junior OB, Pappas-Jr GJ, da Silva MC,, Grossi-de-Sa MF. (2013) Transcriptome Analysis in Cotton Boll Weevil (Anthonomus grandis) and RNA Interference in Insect Pests. PLoS One. 8(12):e85079
  • Iberkleid I, Vieira P,, Firester K, Spiegel Y, Horowitz SB. (2013) Fatty acid-and retinol-binding protein, Mj-FAR-1 induces tomato host susceptibility to root-knot nematodes.PLoS One. 8(5): e64586
  • Koch A, Kumar N, Weber L, Keller H, Imani J, et Kogel KH (2013). Host-induced gene silencing of cytochrome P450 lanosterol C14α-demethylase-encoding genes confers strong resistance to Fusarium species. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110, 19324-19329
  • Kyndt T, Vieira P, Gheysen G,. (2013) Nematode feeding sites: unique organs in plant roots. Planta. 238(5):807-18
  • Pierre, O.,., Hopkins, J., Brau, F., Boncompagni, E., and Hérouart, D. (2013). Peribacteriod space acidification: a marker of mature bacteroid functioning in Medicago truncatula nodules. Plant Cell Environ. DOI: 10.1111/pce.12116
  • Quentin M, Abad P, Favery B. (2013). Plant parasitic nematode effectors target host defense and nuclear functions to establish feeding cells. Front Plant Sci.  4:53
  • Vieira, P.,., and. (2013). Enhanced levels of plant cell cycle inhibitors hamper root-knot nematode-induced feeding site development. Plant Signal Behav. 8(12)
  • Vieira P, Escudero C, Rodiuc N, Boruc J, Russinova E, Glab N, Mota M, De Veylder L, Abad P,,. (2013)  Ectopic expression of kip-related proteins restrains root-knot nematode-feeding site expansion.  New Phytol. 199 (2): 505-19
  • Ayers K, Mteirek R, Cervantes A, Lavenant-Staccini L, Thérond P and Gallet A. (2012) Dally and Notum regulate the switch between low and high level Hedgehog pathway signalling. Development. 139(17):3168-79
  • Baldacci-Cresp F, Chang C, Maucourt M, Deborde C, Hopkins J, Lecomte P, Bernillon S, Brouquisse R, Moing A, Abad P, Hérouart D, Puppo A, Favery B, Frendo P. (2012) (Homo)glutathione deficiency impairs root-knot. nematode development in Medicago truncatula.PloS Pathog. 8(1):e1002471
  • Cam Y,, Boncompagni E, Hérouart D, Meilhoc E, Bruand C. (2012) Nitric oxide (NO): a key player in the senescence of Medicago truncatula root nodules. New Phytol. 196(2):548-60
  • Damiani I, Baldacci-Cresp F, Hopkins J, Andrio E, Balzergue S, Lecomte P, Puppo A, Abad P, Favery B, Hérouart D (2012) Plant genes involved in harbouring symbiotic rhizobia or pathogenic nematodes. New Phytol. 194 (2) : 511-522
  • , Kyndt T, Vieira P, Van Cappelle E, Boudolf V, Sanchez V, Escobar C, De Veylder L,, Abad P, Gheysen G. (2012) CCS52 and DEL1 genes are key components of the endocycle in nematode induced feeding sites. The Plant Journal. 72(2): 185-198
  • Jaouannet, M., Perfus-Barbeoch, L., Deleury, E., Magliano, M.,., Vieira, P., Danchin, E.G.J., Da Rocha, M., Coquillard, P., Abad, P. and Rosso, MN.(2012) A root-knot nematode-secreted protein is injected into giant cells and targeted to the nucleiNew Phytologist. 2012: 194: 924-931
  • Ranieri N, Ruel ., Gallet A, Raisin-Tani and Thérond P(2012) Distinct Phosphorylations on Kinesin Costal-2 Mediate Differential Hedgehog Signaling Strength. Dev Cell. 22(2):279-94
  • Schmitz A, Anselme C, Ravallec M, Rebuf C, Simon JC, Gatti JL, Poirié M. (2012). The cellular immune response of the pea aphid to foreign intrusion and symbiotic challenge. PLoS One. 7(7):e42114
  • Thiebaut F, Rojas CA, Almeida KL, Grativol C, Domiciano GC, Lamb CR, Engler Jde A, Hemerly AS, Ferreira PC. (2012). Regulation of miR319 during cold stress in sugarcane. Plant Cell Environ. 35(3):502-12
  • Vieira P, Banora MY, Castagnone-Sereno P, Rosso MN,,. (2012) An immunocytochemical procedure for protein localization in various nematode life stages combined with plant tissues using methylacrylate-embedded specimens. Phytopathology.102(10):990-6
  • Vieira, P.,. and. (2012) Whole-mount confocal imaging of nuclei in giant feeding cells induced by root-knot nematodes in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. 2012: 195(2): 488-496



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  • Cruaud et al. (2018) Pushing the limits of whole genome amplification: successful sequencing of RADseq library from a single microhymenopteran (Chalcidoidea, Trichogramma). PeerJ 6:e5640; DOI 10.7717/peerj.5640
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Modification date: 11 July 2024 | Publication date: 13 March 2019 | By: khugot