Current projects and grants

Current projects and grants

Current projects

Projet Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) Siam (2019-2020), programme d’échange avec la Thaïlande

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«Use of natural pesticides to overcome spodoptera pesticide resistance»».

PI: Gaëlle LE GOFF

ANR Appel à projets génériques ANR-DFG (2017-2020)

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Project « X-Kingdom MIF – Cross-kingdom analysis of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) functions ». (ANR-16-CE92-0014-01)

PI: Christine Coustau.

ANR Programme « Défi de tous les savoirs » (2015 – 2019)

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Project MATER-IMMUNITY: « Maternal transfer of immunity in insects » (ANR-14-CE02-0009-03).

PI Y. Moret; Partner: Coustau C.

INRA EA Department (2019-2021)

« Biocontrol of Tuta absolutain tomatoe cultures. (BioTaCTiques) »

Partners : Gaëlle Le Goff & Frédérique Hilliou

Unités impliquées : UMR 1121 LEA, UMR 1115 PSH, UMR 1355 ISA

Royal golden jubilee PhD program (2019-2020)

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One year PhD support to Torranis RUTTANAPHAN, Supervisor: Gaelle Le Goff.

Subject : « Evaluate the potential of natural molecules for the control of major pests of agriculture”.

Cifre PhD program - Bayer (2019-2022)

Logos Cifre Bayer

Three years support to Dries AMEZIAN, Supervisor. Gaelle Le Goff.

Subject : « Exploring new targets for biocontrol strategies based on suppression of detoxication genes ».

Recent projects

Fondation de Coopération Scientifique Rovaltain (2016-2018)

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Project « Insecticide Resistance, Population and effect on biodiversity ».

PI: Magali Rault, Partner: C. Coustau

INRA SPE department -  Innovation  Program (2015-2016)


Project «A novel biocide to control mildews ». 

PI: C. Coustau

MESR PhD grant, ED85, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (2015-2018)

logo UCA ED

Three year support to Claire MICHELET, Supervisor. C. Coustau.

Subject : "Evolutionary and functional analysis of MIF in eukaryotes » 

MESR PhD grant, ED85, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (2013-2016)

logo UCA ED

Three year support to Elodie NAESSENS, Supervisor. C. Coustau ; co-supervisor Harald Keller

Subject: "Role of cytokines in plant-aphid interaction”.

Modification date: 04 October 2023 | Publication date: 16 April 2013 | By: P Giordanengo