ABAD Pierre
ABAD Pierre

ABAD Pierre

31 December 2011

Senior scientist

Senior scientist


Senior Scientist / Team leader (plant-nematode interactions)

Resarch-expertise area

Plant-pathogen interactions, Parasitology, Nematology


  • 1994 : Research Supervisor Certificate, Université d’Aix-Marseille II, France
  • 1986 : PhD in Plant Pathology, Université de Paris XI-Orsay, France

Professional experiences

  • 2003-2017: Head of Plant Pathology Departement UMR INRA/CNRS/UNSA
  • 2001- 2002: Head of Plant Pathology Departement INRA Antibes
  • 1995 : INRA Senior Scientist, Head of Nematology Department  INRA Antibes
  • 1986-1988 : Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Genetics, Clermont-Ferrand Univ., France
  • 1986 : INRA Scientist                     


  • 2012 Prize of the French Academy of Sciences "Grand Prix thématique" in Plant Physiology section

I have spent most of my scientific career, focusing particularly on plant-nematode interactions.I gradually developed my research activities, introducing molecular genetics and genomics research as the basis of studies of plant-nematode interactions.

I use a multidisciplinary approach that have broadened over the years, from my initial studies focusing principally on the nematode, to comparative genomics and approaches based on plant genetics. My research activities now focus on several complementary aspects of plant nematode interactions and the root-knot nematode (RNK) genus Meloidogyne, which I have chosen to develop as a model organism for research studies.

  1. Deciphering nematode arsenal to parasite plant
    • Rosso et al. (1999) Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 12, 585-591. Cited 156 times.
    • Jaouannet et al. (2012) New Phytologist, 26, 97-105. Cited 80 times.
    • Dubreuil, et al. (2007) New Phytologist, 176, 426-436. Cited 85 times.
  2. Comparative genomics: evolution and plasticity of nematodes to plant parasitism
    • Abad et al. (2008) Nature Biotechnology, 26, 909-915. Cited 508 times.
    • Danchin et al. (2010) PNAS,107, 17651-17656. Cited 152 times
    • Danchin et al. (2013) PLoS Pathogen, 9, e.1003745. Cited 20 times.
  3. Identifying key plant function manipulated by nématodes
    • Favery et al. (1998) EMBO.J., 17, 6799-6811 Cited 75 times.
    • Jammes et al. (2005) Plant J., 44, 447-458. Cited 212 times.
    • Favery et al. (2004) Plant Cell, 16, 2529-2540. Cited 97 times.
    • Caillaud et al. (2008) Plant Cell, 20, 423-43.  Cited 88 times.
    • Clement et al. (2009) Plant Cell, 21, 2963-2979. Cited 58 times.
  4. Towards sustainable management of plant parasitic nématodes
    • Pegard et al. (2005)  Phytopathology, 95, 158-165. Cited 84 times
    • Djian-Caporalino et al. (2007) Theorical and Applied Genetic, 114, 473-486. Cited 69 times
    • Djian-Caporalino et al. (2014)  BMC Plant biology, 14, Article 53. Cited 21 times.    


  • Coordinator of the International consortium for the sequencing and annotation of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (27 laboratories)
  • French National grant ANR "NEMATARGETS" « Identification of new targets to design specific strategies to control plant-parasitic nematodes (2010-2014).
  • EU project KBBE REPHRAME « Development of improved methods for detection, control and eradication of pine wood nematode in support of EU plant health policy” (2011-2015)
  • PLANT KBBE EU project « NESTOR» (NEmatode Susceptibility Targets fOr durable Resistance) (2014-2018)
  • French National grant ANR "ADMIRE" ADaptation of MeloIdogyne to host REsistance (2018-2022)
  • Referee for international granting agencies: NSF; NO, BARD, STW.
  • Publications:  144 articles and reviews (Nature Biotech.; PNAS; EMBO J.; Plant Cell; Plant J.; Genetic, Curr. Opin. Biotech.; New Phytol.;…) including 3 patents, 139 congress communications
  • h-index 43; citations 6895 (WoS)

Selection of Peer-reviewed original scientific publications

1.       Abad P., Vaury C., Pélisson A., Chaboissier M.C., Busseau I., Bucheton A. (1989). - A long interspersed repetitive element. The I factor of Drosophila teissieri  is able to transpose in different Drosophila  species. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 86, 8887-8891.

2.       Castagnone-Sereno P., Semblat J. P., Leroy F. and Abad P., (1998).- A new AluI satellite DNA in the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne fallax: relationships with satellites from the sympatric species M. hapla and M. chitwoodi. Mol. Biol. Evol., 15, 1115-1122.

3.       Favery B., Lecomte P., Gil N., Bechtold N., Bouchez D., Dalmasso A. and Abad P., (1998).- RPE, a plant gene involved in early developmental steps of nematode feeding cells. EMBO. J., 17, 6799-6811. 

4.       Favery, B., Chelysheva, L., Lebris, M., Jammes, F., De Almeida-Engler, J., Marmagne, A., Lecomte, P. Vaury, C., Arkowitz, R.A., Abad, P. (2004) - Arabidopsis formin AtFH6 is a plasma membrane–associated protein upregulated in giant cells induced by parasitic nematodes. Plant Cell 16: 2529-2540.

5.       Jammes, F., Lecomte, P., de Almeida-Engler, J., Bitton, F., Martin-Magniette, M.-L.., Renou, J.P., Abad, P. and Favery, B. (2005).- Genome-wide expression profiling of the host response to root-knot nematode infection in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 44: 447-458.

6.       Dubreuil, G., Magliano, M., Deleury, E., Abad, P., Rosso, M.N. (2007).- Transcriptome analysis of root-knot nematode functions induced in the early stages of parasitism. New Phytologist, 176 (2) : 426-436.

7.       Abad, P., Gouzy, J., Aury, J.-M., Castagnone-Sereno, P., Danchin, E.G.J., Deleury, E., Perfus-Barbeoch, L., Anthouard, V., Artiguenave, F., Blok, V.C., Caillaud, M.C., Coutinho, P.M., Dasilva, C., De Luca, F., Deau, F., Esquibet, M., Flutre, T., Goldstone, J.V., Hamamouch, N., Hewezi, T., Jaillon, O., Jubin, C., Leonetti, P., Magliano, M., Maier, T.R., Markov, G.V., McVeigh, P., Pesole, G., Poulain, J., Robinson-Rechavi, M., Sallet, E., Segurens, B., Steinbach, D., Tytgat, T., Ugarte, E., van Ghelder, C., Veronico, P., Baum, T.J., Blaxter, M., Bleve-Zacheo, T., Davis, E.L., Ewbank, J.J., Favery, B., Grenier, E., Henrissat, B., Jones, J.T., Laudet, V., Maule, A.G., Quesneville, H., Rosso, M.N., Schiex, T., Smant, G., Weissenbach, J., and Wincker, P., (2008).- Genome sequence of the metazoan plant-parasitic nematode Meloidogyne incognita. Nature Biotechnology (US), 26: 909-915.

8.       Caillaud, M.C., Lecomte, P., Jammes, F., Quentin, M., Pagnotta, S., Andrio, E., de Almeida Engler, J.D., Marfaing, N., Gounon, P., Abad, P., and Favery, B. (2008).- MAP65-3 microtubule-associated protein is essential for nematode-induced giant cell ontogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (US), 20: 423-437.

9.       Clement, M., Ketelaar, T., Rodiuc, N., Youssef Banora, M.Y., Smertenko, A., Engler, G., Abad, P., Hussey, P.J., de Almeida Engler, J. (2009).- Actin-Depolymerizing Factor2-Mediated Actin Dynamics Are Essential for Root-Knot Nematode Infection of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 21: 2963-2979.

10.     Danchin E.G.J., Rosso M-N., Vieira P., de Almeida-Engler J., Coutinho P, Henrissat B., Abad P. (2010).- Multiple lateral gene transfers and duplications have promoted plant parasitism ability in nematodes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 107, 17651-17656.

11.     Youssef Banora M., Rodiuc N., Baldachi-Cresp F., Bleve-Zacheo T., Mellilo M.T., Karimi M., Hilson P., Evrard J.L., Favery B., Engler G., Abad P., de Almeida-Engler J. (2011). Feeding Cells Induced by Phytoparasitic Nematodes Require g-Tubulin Ring Complex for the Microtubule Reorganisation. PLoS Pathogens (US), 7 (12) e1002343.

12.     Jaouannet M., Perfus-Barbeoch L., Deleury E., Magliano M., Engler G., Vieira P., Danchin E.G., Rocha M.D., Coquillard P., Abad P., Rosso M.N. (2012). A root-knot nematode-secreted protein is injected into giant cells and targeted to the nuclei. New Phytologist, 194, 924-931.

13.     Fabien Baldacci-Cresp, F., Chang, C., Maucourt, M., Deborde, C., Hopkins, J., Lecomte, P., Brouquisse, R., Moing, A., Abad, P., Hérouart, D., Puppo, A., Favery, B. and Frendo, P. (2012). (Homo)glutathione Deficiency Impairs Root-knot Nematode Development in Medicago truncatula. PLoS Pathogen, 8(1): e1002471.

14.     Damiani, I., Baldacci-Cresp, F., Hopkins, J., Andrio, E., Balzergue, S., Lecomte, P., Puppo, A., Abad, P., Favery, B. and Hérouart, D (2012). Plant Genes Involved in Harbouring Symbiotic Rhizobia or Pathogenic Nematode. New Phytologist, 194, 511–522.

15.     Danchin E.G.J., Arguel M.J., Campan-Fournier A., Perfus-Barbeoch L., Magliano M., Rosso M.N.,Da Rocha, M., Da Silva, C., Nottet, N., Labadie, K., Guy, J., Artiguenave, F.,  Abad P., (2013). Identification of novel target genes for safer and more specific control of root-knot nematodes from a pan-genome. PloS Pathogen, 9(10): e1003745.

16. Nguyen 2017 New phytol.

17. Medina 2018 New phytol.

Selection of recent reviews

18. Bird, D.M., Williamson, V.M., Abad P., McCarter, J., Danchin, E.G.J., Castagnone-Sereno, P., Opperman, C.H. (2009).-The Genomes of Root-Knot Nematodes. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 47: 333-351.

19. Rosso, M.N., Jones, J.T., Abad P. (2009).- RNAi and Functional Genomics in Plant Parasitic Nematodes. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 47: 207-232.

20. Castagnone-Sereno, P., Danchin, E.G.J., Perfus-Barbeoch, L., Abad P. (2013). Diversity and evolution of root-knot nematodes, genus Meloidogyne. New insights from the genomic era. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 51: 203-220.

Contact: Pierre.Abad@inrae.fr

Modification date: 04 September 2024 | Publication date: 13 September 2023