01 November 2012


Researcher in modelling and mathematical epidemiology

400 route des Chappes, BP 167, 06903 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
Office B102
+33 (0)4 92 38 64 22

2004 route des Lucioles, BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
Office B209
+33 (0)4 97 15 53 70

CV  |  Research  |  Supervision  |  Teaching  |  Publications


I received my PhD from Nice - Sophia Antipolis University in 1997, with a thesis on Control models in fisheries (in French) prepared at Inria Sophia Antipolis, France. It was followed by post-doctoral positions in the fisheries field at: IFREMER Nantes, France (1997); Helsinki University of Technology, Finland (1997); Institut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC Barcelona, Spain (1998-1999, Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant).
In January 2000, I obtained a research position at INRA in the Applied Mathematics and Informatics research unit in Jouy-en-Josas, France. I started working on mathematical epidemiology applied to livestock. In 2000, I spent 7 months as visiting researcher in the Veterinary Epidemiology Group at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. I later directed my research towards crop protection.
In November 2012, I joined the M2P2 team at Institut Sophia Agrobiotech and the MACBES (formerly BIOCORE) team at Inria, in Sophia Antipolis, France. I am part of the MathNum division at INRAE.
Since 2024, I am a scientific officer at CIMPA (Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées).


Research interests

  • Development and analysis of mathematical models in population dynamics
    • mathematical analysis: model reduction, stability, control
    • numerical exploration: parameter identification, sensitivity analysis, simulation
  • Main applications in crop protection: plant pest and disease epidemiology; management of crop resistance; design, assessment and optimisation of sustainable control strategies
  • Past applications in farm animal epidemiology and immunology, and in fishery management

Research projects & networks

  • BEEP Behavioural Epidemiology and Evolution of Plant Pathogens, ANR [French National Research Agency], 2024-2028
  • COLUCIR Co-constructing an agro-ecological, effective and sustainable cirphis control strategy, FEADER [European agricultural fund for rural development] & Région Aquitaine, 2024-2027
  • ENDURANCE ENhanced DURability AgaiNst Crop Enemies, ANR 2024-2027
  • CACOLAC Conceptual framework for analysing combinations of agro-ecological levers, Écophyto [French plan to reduce and improve the use of plant protection products], 2024-2027
  • PAPEETE Promoting agroecology through the integrative prediction of health risks using participatory epidemiological surveillance data at territorial scale, Écophyto, 2024-2027
  • AI DS Cerise For and integrated and sustainable approach to the management of Drosophila suzukii in the cherry sector, Écophyto, 2024-2026
  • MISTIC Computational models of crop plant microbial biodiversity, PEPR [French Research Priority Equipments and Programs] Agroecology and ICT, 2023-2028
  • NEM-EMERGE An integrated set of novel approaches to counter the emergence and proliferation of invasive and virulent soil-borne nematodes, Horizon Europe, Farm2fork, 2023-2027
  • SuzuKIISS:ME Managing Drosophila SuzuKII thanks to SuperSterile Insects: Maturation and Efficiency. Écophyto, 2022-2025
  • EPITAG EPIdemiological modelling and control for Tropical AGriculture. Inria associate team with Cameroon, 2017-2024 & INRAE, TSARA programme, 2022-2024 - PI

PhD students

  • Frank KEMAYOU Mathematical modelling and analysis of Radopholus similis impact on plantain production. University of Douala, Cameroon, 2022- (EPITAG support)
  • Joseph PENLAP TAMAGOUA Ecophysiological modeling of plant-nematode interactions. Understanding the origins and consequences of differential plant susceptibility. Université Côte d'Azur, ED STIC, 2022-2025 (Inria-INRAE funding)
  • Marine COURTOIS Modeling the sterile insect technique in an agricultural context: how to integrate biological and technical realities to optimize its deployment? Université Côte d'Azur, ED SVS, 2022-2025 (INRAE funding)
  • Aurelien KAMBEU YOUMBI Development and analysis of a self-financing model for cabbage crop including pest control. University of Dschang, Cameroon, 2020- (EPITAG support)

Former students


Lecturer at Polytech Nice Sophia, Bioengineering specialty (4th year of university), 2014-2019: Data analysis (25-35 hours/year).

Research schools


Journal papers since 2018 from HAL open archive:

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suzanne-touzeau publications on HAL - comprehensive since 2000

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