Cereals and pulses in French agricultural and food history.

Cereals and pulses in French agricultural and food history.

01 December 2023

Sophia Antipolis - INRAE PACA - A010

As part of the ISA scientific event to be held this Friday, December 01, 2023 at 11am in room A010, Renaud Brouquisse, one of the SYMBIOSE team's wise men, will brighten our spirits with the following presentation:

Abstract :

Since ancient times, cereals and legumes have formed the basis of the French diet. Over the past two millennia, and in the wake of successive agricultural revolutions (ancient, medieval and modern), the history of France has been inextricably linked to the place given to cereals and legumes in the economic, political, religious and social life of the French. The primary challenge was to feed the population... but not just any old way! Over the centuries, while cereals have had pride of place - "no class criterion is clearer than the color of bread" - pulses have been despised by the social elite. From the 19th century onwards, scientific and technical progress reshuffled the deck and changed eating habits. Today, the challenges facing agriculture are mainly related to ensuring that people have access to a balanced diet, and to the impact of crops on the environment and climate.


Contact: animisa@inrae.fr